Dominus Flevit [ The Lord  wept ]  : -

On the slopes of the Mount of Olives and facing The Temple Mount is a small church built  in the 

of a teardrop  in between 1953 and 1955.It marks the spot where Jesus stood shedding tears while watching  the Temple  for he foresaw the destruction of the Temple. The view from the window of this church on the Temple mount is amazing.

Bethphage :-

Which means house of unripe Figs  it is said it was in this area that Jesus cursed a Fig tree to wither that 

Bore no fruit ( Mat: 21:18-22).  Bethphage is located on the eastern slopes of  Mount Of Olives ..Itis from here that Jesus makes his triumphant entry sitting on a colt  which was brought to  him by his Apostles on the request of Jesus [ Luke 19:33 }.It is said the stone on which Jesus put his foot to climb the colt still exists to this day within the Church of Bethphage.

He enters with Palms on this road which is a steep slope also known as the Palm Sunday road. 

Thus the prophecy of Zechariah who wrote more than 500 years before was fulfilled…”Shout aloud,O daughter  jerusalem !Lo, your king comes to you ;triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey “  ( Zech 9:9 )

Tomb Of Mother Mary :-

It is located just before  Gethsamani’s Cave Temple, believed to be the place where Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot . There are some 47 steps that lead you to the crypt, mid way to the right is a niche dedicated to Joachim  and Anne the parents of Mother Mary , opposite is a Niche dedicated to St.Joseph her Husband.

Contrary to the belief of Catholics that Mary was assumed into Heaven many pilgrims still visit this place.

At the crypt the empty tomb resembles the one like her son. The large stone in the empty stone is all that remains of the Church of Assumption of the fifth century.

Dormition Abbey on Mount Zion :-

The name means “Eternal sleep” located on top of Mount Zion this magnificent Abbey is the place where it is believed that Mother Mary went into a deep sleep and assumed into Heaven. 

St.John set up a dwelling place for Her here  as  Jesus  submitted his Mother to Him from the cross before His demise.

The present church which was built on the ruins of the old Byzantine church was handed over for construction by William 111 of Germany to the German  Benedict  Priests [n 1900.

The church is full of  Mosaic  pictures and paintings of the Virgin Mary; parts

 of the floor have Zodiac symbols with names of  Prophets .

At the crypt is the highlight of a sleeping statue of the virgin Mary made of wood and Ivory,

Above Her on the  dome there are mosaic figures  of Jesus welcoming His Mother surrounded with six women of the Old Testament .This was the home of Mary after the Death of Jesus.

Don't miss the Mosaics on the floor in the courtyard. There are also chapels within the church with paintings and Icons.

The Holy Cenacle  or  the Coenaculum :-

Better known to us as the Upper Room or the place of the Last Supper, Cena meaning dinner and Coena meaning supper or the last meal in Latin.

Situated close to  the Dormition  Abbey on Mount Zion ,this is the place where the very First Eucharist was held for the Christians.

Before his betrayal  and agony he held his last supper with His Apostles here and even humbled himself by washing their feet. 

After the crucifixion of Jesus he appeared to the Apostles in this room.

This is where they received the Holy Spirit in the form of burning tongues.

Mathias was chosen as the twelfth disciple here.

Some say it was the home of St.Mark and his Mother.

There is a stained glass here depicting some Arabic and Islamic inscriptions showing  that the Cenacle was used as a Mosque. There is a Mihrab ( niche on the wall ) facing Mecca with a dome built   in 1522 when it was taken over by the Ottomans.There is  a small staircase at the side leading to a closed room opened rarely it is said this is where they received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. 

Interesting to see the column which depicts Pelicans pecking their Parents breast which is a symbol of charity and sacrifice in Christian art.

King Davids Room and the chamber of Holocaust :-

Situated just below the Upper Room is the The Tomb of King David don't forget that Jesus comes from the lineage of King David.The tomb is also a Synagogue.It is also adorned with a Torah.

The tomb was covered by a blue cloth embroidered in Hebrew Text. There is a lot of controversy about the sight and its location.

Closeby is the chamber of holocaust dedicted to the Jews during the the time of Holocaust when the Jews were being persecuted and killed.

The Church of St.Peter at Gallicantu and the ancient Staircase:-

Situated on the Eastern  slopes of Mount Zion from here you can get a spectacular  panoramic view of the Temple Mount,Mount of Olives and the Kidron Valley. The word Garicandu means “Cock Crow ''s “in Latin. This place commemorates some important events of Jesus' trial., during the trial Peter denies knowing Jesus three times before the cock crowed  twice as predicted by Jesus .

This was also the Palace of Caiaphas  the chief priest  and  Jesus's prison where he was kept on Maundy Thursday after his arrest in Gethsemane.

            When you come into the Church Yard you can see archaeological  remains starting from  the First Temple period right upto the Byzantine period.

Here there is a stone staircase connecting Mount Zion  up to the Kidron Valley.Tradition has it that Jesus and His Apostles walked up these stairs from Gethsemane to His Prison. This was the only way.





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