
   Dominus Flevit [ The Lord  wept ]  : - On the slopes of the Mount of Olives and facing The Temple Mount is a small church built  in the  of a teardrop  in between 1953 and 1955.It marks the spot where Jesus stood shedding tears while watching  the Temple  for he foresaw the destruction of the Temple. The view from the window of this church on the Temple mount is amazing. Bethphage :- Which means house of unripe Figs  it is said it was in this area that Jesus cursed a Fig tree to wither that  Bore no fruit ( Mat: 21:18-22).  Bethphage is located on the eastern slopes of  Mount Of Olives ..Itis from here that Jesus makes his triumphant entry sitting on a colt  which was brought to  him by his Apostles on the request of Jesus [ Luke 19:33 }.It is said the stone on which Jesus put his foot to climb the colt still exists to this day within the Church of Bethphage. He enters with Palms on this road which is a steep slope also known as the Palm Sunday road.  Thus the prophecy of Zechariah
The Dome Of The Rock My Site: Bible Travels HOLYLAND  THROUGH  MY  EYES It has been my dream to visit Jerusalem,Egypt and many other historical places ever since my childhood( from when I could remember) I would read about these places and I would swoon into ecstasy visualizing how wonderful it would be to live in their era. So in February 2007 I made my maiden attempt to leave the country and venture into adventure. Thanks to Mrs.Sujatha & her team at Across the Monde I could fulfill my dream. What better start could I ask for then to commence my first journey on a pilgrimage to the Holyland via Egypt from were the exodus of Mosses with the chosen people to the promised land comes flashing before you.This strip of land was promised by God to Abraham ,Mosses and Joshua.This was were King David established his capital and kingdom ,this is were his son King Solomon built the 1st temple and  it was here that a legacy of a new religion was established and above all it is here t